Crypto Algo Trading In 5 Minutes
Having created a trading account I have had my first taste of active trading. How Easy Is It? When I ask people if they’ve algo traded, typically, they look at me in surprise. Algo trading is a complex operation, requiring detailed market knowledge, careful forethought and expert level coding skills. Even then, the risks must be considered - consider a small typo… runaway code… Doesn’t bare thinking about. Right? Au contraire… On exchanges like BitMEX, you can trade with as little as 1 cent . At any level of trading - even just playing with a few dollars you’re an equal peer with everyone else. You can limit your risks to be as low as you wish them to be. Okay - but it’s complex to do it - there’s a steep learning curve - isn’t there? No not really ( get some coin and create a BitMEX account and then): from bitmex import bitmex api_key = 'ABCDEfghijkLMNOPqrstuvwxyz' secret = 'abcdefg1234567ZYXWVUT9876543HIJKLMOpqrstuv654321' client = bitme...