
Crypto Algo Trading In 5 Minutes

Having created a trading account I have had my first taste of active trading. How Easy Is It? When I ask people if they’ve algo traded, typically, they look at me in surprise. Algo trading is a complex operation, requiring detailed market knowledge, careful forethought and expert level coding skills. Even then, the risks must be considered - consider a small typo… runaway code… Doesn’t bare thinking about. Right? Au contraire… On exchanges like BitMEX, you can trade with as little as 1  cent . At any level of trading - even just playing with a few dollars you’re an equal peer with everyone else. You can limit your risks to be as low as you wish them to be. Okay - but it’s complex to do it - there’s a steep learning curve - isn’t there? No not really ( get some coin and create a BitMEX account  and then): from bitmex import bitmex api_key = 'ABCDEfghijkLMNOPqrstuvwxyz' secret = 'abcdefg1234567ZYXWVUT9876543HIJKLMOpqrstuv654321' client = bitme...

Server Manuals

I'm currently working on a SaaS project, hosted on a large cloud provider. We're making headway with the project following the typical reasonable process of composing it of a combination of SaaS software development products' free tiers (like CircleCI ) and numerous Open Source products and libraries like Python and nginx - not to mention the server OS itself which is an Ubuntu Linux. As the project progresses, there more such systems are integrated into it.  While their developers in the great majority of cases are very scrupulous in making sure they're easily manageable, there are a number of ways to organize such management and they can differ quite widely. Therefore it has become clear that a vital component of our work is to produce a Server Manual that details succinctly how to access, change and control each such system.  The production of the manual is motivated by the high likelihood of production issues in the future which will require intervention...

Crypto Trading From Scratch

A Google search will reveal hundreds of companies offering to sell cryptocurrencies .  Many also offer platforms to trade these currencies (so-called "coins") - that is, buy more coin, sell, exchange between different coins and also buy other financial products on coins like futures  and even options . Clients of trading venues are typically trying to make money by predicting how coin prices will change. Buying from Coinbase One of the larger, more established and reputable sites to purchase cryptocurrencies from is Coinbase .  As I mentioned there are very many other sites, and many of them are also reputable.  However, as an example, I'll explain the process of buying from Coinbase. Restrictions There has been progressively greater attention given to cryptocurrencies as their total market capitalization has grown and as, unfortunately, incidents of fraud have occurred.  The result is that some regulators have restricted crypto buying and trading and...